Monthly Archives: May 2019

How to become an art collector: A Beginners’ Guide

Art collecting is a rewarding and fulfilling hobby, but it can also be daunting for newcomers to the field. Whether you’re an aspiring collector or just looking to buy art for your home, this guide will provide you with the necessary information on how to become an art collector.

Do your research

As with any type of collecting, researching the artwork you plan on buying is essential. Learn as much as you can about the artists that you are interested in, and familiarize yourself with their works. Read up on art trends, and try to determine which type of art would be a wise investment for your collection. Take time to visit galleries or meet with private dealers to get a sense for what is out there before deciding what to purchase.

Set a budget and stick to it

Before investing in artwork for your collection, it is important to set a budget and make sure not to exceed it. Artwork can have widely varying prices depending on size, artist popularity, age, condition, and more. Do your research and make sure that you are not paying too much for a particular piece. It is also important to consider possible fees such as taxes, shipping costs, framing fees, and other charges associated with purchasing art.

Seek out new artwork

Once you have done your research on and established a budget, it’s time to start looking for new artwork to add to your collection. Consider attending galleries openings or exhibitions in order to get a better sense of the pieces available from different artists. You can also attend auctions or visit private dealers who may be able to offer exclusive pieces at discounted prices. As you browse through potential artwork for your collection, keep track of items that interest you so that you can come back to them later.

Learn how to negotiate and make an offer

As with any purchase, it’s important to know your worth when negotiating art prices. While galleries and dealers may not be willing to accept offers they deem too low, they may be willing to negotiate depending on the artwork you are interested in. Before making an offer do your homework and familiarize yourself with other similar pieces that have recently sold so that you can make a fair yet competitive bid for the piece of art you want.

Look for ways to protect your investment

After purchasing artwork for your collection, it is important to find ways to preserve its value over time. Invest in proper framing materials and storage containers, and make sure to maintain the artwork in good condition. Consider taking out art insurance to protect your investment against any damage or loss.

Expand your network

As you continue to build up your collection, it is important to establish a network of contacts related to the art world that can help you out along the way. Connect with other collectors and experts in the field so that you can stay informed about upcoming exhibitions, sales, and auctions. These contacts can also serve as valuable sources for advice when it comes time for buying new pieces for your collection.

Develop relationships with galleries and dealers

Take time to develop relationships with galleries or private dealers from whom you have previously purchased artwork from. Doing so will help you gain access to exclusive collections and may even lead to discounts in the future.

Enjoy your collection

After taking all these steps, you can finally sit back and enjoy the artwork that you have collected! Take time to admire each piece for its own merits and be proud of what you have accomplished as an art collector.

By following these steps, you can become an art collector in no time. With a little research and dedication, you will be able to slowly build up your collection of artwork that can bring you joy for years to come!

Here are 5 tips on how to clean a very dirty bedroom fast

Cleaning a very dirty bedroom can seem like an overwhelming task, especially when you’re short on time. However, with the right tools and techniques, it is possible to clean quickly and efficiently. 

Here are some tips for cleaning a very messy room in no time:

1. Gather your supplies

Make sure you have all of the necessary supplies and safe cleaning products within reach before beginning your project. This includes garbage bags, a vacuum cleaner, spray cleaner of your choice, paper towels or rags, broom and dustpan, and any other items that may be needed to complete the job.

2. Start by straightening up

Start by gathering all the items that don’t belong in the bedroom and put them away.

Before you get into deep cleaning mode take five minutes to straighten up the room. This means putting away clothing, linens, books, and any other clutter that is lying around. This will make it easier to move around and focus on cleaning each area of your bedroom. Taking this initial step can make a big difference in the end result and will make the deep cleaning process much easier.

3. Dust, Vacuum and Mop

Begin by dusting all surfaces and furniture from top to bottom. This means wiping down shelves, dressers, lamps, curtains and even ceiling fans. Using a damp microfiber cloth or duster can help reach those hard-to-reach spots like high corners of the room or behind items on shelves.

Once you’ve got rid of most of the dust, use your vacuum cleaner to pick up dirt, crumbs and other debris from floors and carpets as well as upholstered furniture. Be sure to empty the vacuum cleaner canister often so it is working at its maximum efficiency.

 If you have non-carpeted floors such as tile or linoleum use a mop with warm water and cleaning solution to give them a good scrubbing. Make sure you dry the floors completely when done mopping as this will help keep dirt from accumulating again quickly.

5. Clean hard surfaces

Use a spray cleaner of your choice and paper towels or rags to wipe down hard surfaces including walls, counters and doors. Don’t forget to clean windows, mirrors, light fixtures and other items that have accumulated dust or dirt over time. Clean window sills and window frames with soapy water to get rid of any built up grime and allow natural light into the room when you’re done!

Also, dust your room from top to bottom, wash bedding and curtains, and clean any other fabrics in the bedroom like rugs if necessary. This will help to freshen up your bedroom and make it look and smell great!

Finally, make sure all of the items that were put away earlier are returned to their places. This includes books, toys, DVDs and other items that may have been left out when you first started cleaning.

By following these simple steps it is possible to quickly clean a very dirty bedroom and to get your bedroom back into shape in no time. With these simple tips, you’re sure to have a neat, tidy and fresh smelling bedroom that looks as good as new.The key is to stay focused and organized throughout the entire process in order for the job to be completed as efficiently as possible. Good luck! Happy cleaning!