BRONCHOSCOPY INTERNATIONAL SUCCEEDS IN ITS MISSION FOR THE PAST TWENTY YEARS a group of expert instructors helped eliminate variations in training within and between institutions, regions, and countries so patients everywhere have greater access to competently-performed bronchoscopy and other interventional pulmonary procedures. OUR SIMULATION-BASED, LEARNER-CENTRIC PROGRAMS were emulated by national and international societies, leading to the acceptance of competency-based learning materials, assessment tools, and step-by-step individualized instruction in training programs around the world. OUR TRAIN-THE-TRAINER PROGRAMS established a new paradigm in which medical educators and airway procedural experts discovered they could improve their teaching skills and learn to interact more effectively with their students. THE QUESTION TODAY IS…WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? We are poised to help teach the fundamentals of bronchoscopy and other interventional pulmonary procedures to a new generation of novice and intermediate learners. Equally important, our latest train-the-trainer programs provide opportunities for student teachers to implement modern educational philosophies, solve ethical dilemmas, use social media in their lesson plans, and explore the exciting world of artificial intelligence. This is a time for renewed professionalism.
Henri Colt MD, FAWM, FCCP
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