A Glimpse Towards the Future posted on 2025-02-16
The history of Interventional Pulmonology (IP) is marked by technological advances, progress in imaging and surgical techniques, the vision of a few key personalities, and the establishment of dozens of IP associations around the world. Important milestones were reached by resolving conflicts with various national and international pulmonary and thoracic surgery societies, and by reexamining [Read More]
HIV/AIDS Awareness posted on 2020-12-30
December was HIV/AIDS Awareness Month. It is great to celebrate our many victories over this infectious disease, but we must also remember the extent to which HIV/AIDS continues to affect our global community. In the United States, about 1.2 million people over 13 were living with HIV in 2018. At least 14% (1 in 7 [Read More]
Mourning posted on 2020-12-27
This year, in addition to losing my mother, I also grieved a few days later with a friend for the loss of hers. When the father of another friend passed away unexpectedly, I was sad because he and I, despite our age difference, shared a connection as if we had known each other in another [Read More]
Despicable posted on 2020-12-23
Our holiday season is marked by increased cases of COVID-19, more hospitalizations, long waiting lines in front of emergency departments around the country, overworked health care professionals tending to the sick, and too many critically ill patients in overflowing intensive care units. Sadly, there is also a significant increase in COVID-related deaths. Like all of [Read More]
Benefits of standardization posted on 2020-12-09
Feared and often misused, the word standardization sometimes causes confusion in the health care setting. By definition, it applies to any process used to develop and implement metrics that specify essential characteristics of something whose control and uniformity are desired. In this sense, standardization may apply to almost anything; rules, technologies, services, commercial products, behaviors, and measurements. [Read More]