Colt’s Corner: Reflections on a Medical Journey

Penitentes posted on 2018-12-03

The name “penitente” is defined as both a noun (a person who repents their wrongdoings and seeks forgiveness) and an adjective (a feeling or showing of sorrow and regret for having done wrong). The origin is Spanish, and the description in the mountains arose because a field of penitentes looks like a procession of monks  [Read More]

“The whole point of life is this moment.” posted on 2018-11-19

The author of this simple statement is Alan Watts, who, in one of his many philosophical ponderings about life and death, argues that dying, which happens to you once, should be a great event.1 Watts passed away in his sleep on November 15, 1973. He was 58 years old. An inspiring thinker most known for  [Read More]

A new generation of AABIP Fellows cast an aura of confidence and enthusiasm posted on 2018-11-12

This summer I had the honor of lecturing at the inaugural American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology International conference in Denver, Colorado. Watching newly certified Interventional Fellows don their robes to stand among their colleagues made my heart swell with pride. Our workers are secured by work injury lawyers and experienced workers compensation attorney  [Read More]

A promising future for patients suffering from lung and airway diseases in Nepal posted on 2018-11-06

The Everest massif, the Khumbu glacier, and other towering giants seen from the summit of 6000 meters+ Lobuche peak (photo H. Colt). At 11:56, April 25, 2015 Nepal was shaken by a 7.8 magnitude earthquake that resulted in almost 10,000 deaths, left 3.5 million people homeless, and caused an estimated10 billion dollars total damage (about  [Read More]

The Power of Numbers posted on 2018-08-22

For the past few years I have encouraged national and regional bronchoscopy associations to purchase airway simulation models in order to replace on-the-job training using patients. Surprisingly, progress in this endeavor has been discouragingly slow. Apparently, agents of change (i.e. individual leaders in their respective associations) are having difficulty recruiting like-minded colleagues, and most hospitals  [Read More]