Children and COVID-19

Honesty, Respect, and Reassurance. These three cardinal rules for sharing bad news with children are worth remembering.  Thankfully, kids don’t often get COVID-19. Less than 2.5% of cases are reported worldwide. When children are infected, they usually become only mildly ill, though asymptomatic infections are not uncommon1. In one study from the Wuhan Children’s Hospital,  [Read More]

English is the new latin

I cannot help but admire foreign language-speaking colleagues who are able to write, lecture, study and teach in English. Since the increasing economic and political power of the United States, the results of two world wars and the declining international presence of a postcolonial Europe, English became the major language of science and medicine. Earlier  [Read More]

Artificial Intelligence Moving Forward

It took thirty years (1967-1997) for computer chess programs to defeat world champion players, but it was only eight years (2009-2017) before DeepMind’s AlphaGo defeated Ke Jie, the world’s premier Go player. Video games like Starcraft are harder for computers to play than board games such as chess or Go, but after only 18 months  [Read More]

Deep learning in Radiology and Pathology affects Bronchoscopists

This is a second post relating to the promising role of artificial intelligence in interventional pulmonology.  My point is that lung specialists will spend less time learning facts and figures that are easily replaced by computer-generated analyses of complex algorithms. Much of this is because of Deep learning.  This subset of machine learning (programs that  [Read More]

Here are ten ways that housekeepers are different from cleaners

Housekeepers and cleaners play an important role in ensuring the cleanliness of homes, businesses, and other types of establishments. While both housekeepers and cleaners are involved in various cleaning tasks, they often have different duties. Housekeepers typically focus on more managerial tasks while cleaners specialize in hands-on work. Here are ten ways housekeepers differ from  [Read More]

A New Milestone-2000 Users!

We’re communicating in real-time and we are up to 2000 users from 32 different countries. I monitor all these accounts 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and I can truly say that the information exchange and case presentations are fascinating! The only problem is the WhatsApp platform has decreased performance because of changes  [Read More]

World lung cancer day

August 1 is World Lung Cancer Day. According to the World Health Organization, there were 2.09 million lung cancer cases in 2018 and 1.76 million deaths. Almost everywhere, 5-year survival is less than 20 percent. Despite spending millions of dollars, making advances in molecular biology, immunology, and genetics-related research, building knowledge of cancer epidemiology, improving  [Read More]