The COVIDBRONCH™ Initiative fostered research and education about COVID-19 and related illnesses.
Created by Drs. Rob Lentz and Henri Colt in March 2020, the Initiative included an international network of airway specialists and global or regional opinion leaders from universities, national medical societies, and the private sector. Three projects included (1) COVIDBRONCH-LIT, a central repository of carefully selected articles on the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of COVID-19 and related illnesses, (2) a survey-based study of the risks and rates of transmission of SARS-CoV-2 to health care workers published In the Journal of Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (download article here), and (3) a study of bronchoscopy in the first six months of the pandemic now published in the Journal of Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology (download article here).
Furthermore, social media and instant messaging programs continue to be used in order to share COVID-19 related experience within a network of more than 6000 lung and airway specialists from forty countries around the world.
The team at Bronchoscopy International with the assistance of J. Heubeck Esq. continues to distribute teaching materials about Personal Protective Equipment (download BI Briefs here).
Other publications pertain to using physician-retirees on the frontlines, a summary of bronchoscopy guidelines for COVID-19, a commentary on the use of social media during COVID, and a review paper on the applications of artificial intelligence in pulmonary medicine and COVID-19 (download articles here).
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